The Customer Accounts view of the Accounts tab displays an overview of all accounts subscribed to your product. These accounts may be 1) Active Accounts or 2) Active-No Active Products.

  1. Active Accounts are accounts that have active product subscriptions. 
  2. Active-No Active Products accounts are accounts that have suspended their subscriptions voluntarily but were not suspended for non-payment due to a credit card declination.


Click the +/- symbol next to each heading to expand or collapse the list of accounts in each category. Below each heading, you’ll see summary information such as the date the next payment is due, products to which each account is subscribed, the status of those subscriptions, and the Account Representative’s name and e-mail address.


If you want a more granular view of the account, click the account name. To the right, a panel will display the account information such as subscription details, contact information, and a user list. In this window, you can: