As a Product Owner, you will sometimes send e-mails to individuals inviting them to set up their own Accounts.  (Please note that this is different than adding Users to an existing Account and inviting them to begin training.) If the invitees cannot find the invitations or do not receive them, a feature is available that will allow the Product Owner to resend the invitation e-mails. However, we recommend that you first ask the individuals to check their spam folders for the invitations sent previously and/or to add Wheelhouse College to their approved contacts lists to help ensure that they will receive our e-mails.

To resend an Account set-up invitation e-mail, navigate to the Accounts tab, select the "Invitations" view at the top and scroll down to the Pending Invitations section. Find the user you wish to e-mail, hover over the wrench icon between the Setup User E-mail and Type columns and select "Resend Invite." A new invitation will be sent immediately.