Wheelhouse College Staff Users can access Transcripts of their training progress through the Transcript feature.  (For information on how Administrators and Managers can access their Transcripts, please see the "Training Transcripts - Administrators and Managers" article.)  These Transcripts are available when users are seated in Products, as well as when users are no longer seated in Products.  Additionally, users can access their Transcripts when their dealership’s Account is no longer active.

For Staff users who are currently seated in at least one Product, the Transcripts can be accessed on the right-hand side of the Dashboard.

  1. From the Dashboard, click on Training Transcript.
  2. In the modal that pops up, you will be able to see your Current Enrollments and your Completed Courses in all Products in which you are or have been seated.
  3. If you’ve been seated in more than one Product at any time, you can easily navigate between Products by clicking on the name of the Product on the left-hand side of the modal.
  4. Click “Download” in the top right-hand corner of the modal to obtain your Transcript in PDF format.


For Staff users who are not currently seated in any Products or whose Account is no longer active, the Transcripts can be accessed by going to our site at Wheelhouse College and using your previous login credentials (i.e. your e-mail address and password).  You will receive a message that you are not seated in any Products.  However, you can click on “Download your transcript” to access your previous training history.