The Activity Panel is located at the top of the Dashboard tab for Account Representatives, Administrators, and Managers, as well as for Product Owners. In the Activity Panel, these users can find a summary of their team's recent activity on Wheelhouse College divided into two categories: Training Activity and User Event. Users can toggle between these two categories by clicking on the category names. (See #1 in the screenshot below). The Activity Panel can be expanded or contracted by clicking on the arrow shown at #2 in the screenshot below.
The Training Activity category includes information on the following: 1) users who have recently completed Quizzes, Final Exams, and Courses; 2) users who have had their Final Exams and Courses reset and their Course deadlines extended and by whom these actions were taken; and 3) users who have been enrolled in Courses, un-enrolled from Courses, and re-enrolled in Courses and by whom these actions were taken.
The User Event category includes information on the following: 1) updates to user information; 2) the names of users who were added or deleted from the Account; and 3) the names of users who were assigned new eats or who were unseated. Additionally, in each of these cases, the name of the user who took the action will be provided.