A Certificate of Completion is the printable document issued for each student when they pass a course series or a course level upon viewing the lessons and earning at least 80% on the final exam.

Staff Users can view their certificates from two places: First, the Your Courses tab at the top of their page. Select "Completed Courses" in the course panel, and select the name of the course for which you earned the certificate. Click the downloadable link with the course title and certificate number, located beneath the Course Description. Second, they can view certificates directly from their Dashboard by locating and selecting the blue button that says "Certificates."

Managers and Admin Users can view and print their certificates through the Your Courses tab, in the Completed Courses panel. If a manager or admin is looking to print their team's certificates, they can find out how here.

Staff - Your courses/Completed/Certificates

Staff - Dashboard/Certificates/Your Certificates

Manager/Administrator/Account Representative - Certificate of Completion

Sample Certificate of Completion