Enrollment is an action that a Manager or Administrative user takes to register themselves or members of their team in courses. Managers and admin can enroll themselves in courses quickly from the Library tab, but will assign course enrollments to staff via the People tab. Staff users will need to contact their managers if they want to be enrolled in additional courses.

Wheelhouse College assigns Standard Enrollments in courses based on the Departments to which new Users are assigned; however, if a Manager/Administrator wants to assign Custom Enrollments, they can do so as they set up the user profile.

To enroll oneself in courses:

  1. Navigate to the Library Tab.
  2. Locate the enroll link in the Your Status column.
  3. Click "enroll" and select "YES" in the module that pops up.
  4. You're all set! You will be able to find that course on the Your Courses tab.

To enroll one's team in courses:

  1. Navigate to the People tab.
  2. Click the name of the User you want to enroll in courses, or click Group in the Details Panel.
  3. If you click Group, select the names of those you want to enroll, and then "enroll in courses" at the bottom of the details panel.
  4. To proceed enrolling an individual, select "Enroll in Courses" at the bottom of their Individual Details Panel.
  5. Select the Product (if necessary) in the box that populates. 
  6. Choose whether you want this individual enrolled in standard or custom enrollments. If you choose "custom enrollments," you'll be given a list of options to choose from. You can filter these options by Department by selecting the drop-down box next to Categories. Click the "add" link next to each course to enroll that user in the course. Select "Next."
  7. On the next page, review the changes and if everything looks good, select "Finish."

Note: A user must be seated in a product to be enrolled in its courses. Click here to learn how to seat someone in a product before enrolling them.

Manager or Administrative User - How to Enroll Yourself in a Course

Manager or Administrative User - Enroll Individual in Course

Manager or Administrative User - Enroll Group in Course

Manager or Administrator - Enroll Individual in Courses - Custom Enrollment

Manager or Administrator - Enroll Individual in Courses - Custom Enrollment