*Note: Only an Account Representative has access to this function.

When you Unseat a user from a Product, you remove the person's access to the Product's content. Additionally, the record of his/her training progress will no longer appear in the Details Panel on the People page of Administrators or Managers. However, the unseated individual’s training progress and Certificates can still be viewed by Administrators and Managers by running a Progress Report from the People tab. Unseated Administrators and Managers can also view their own past training progress via the Transcript link on their Your Courses tabs. Unseated Staff users can view their own past course work and Certificates by going to the login page and clicking "Download your transcript." (If a user is re-seated, his/her training progress will once again appear in the Details Panel on the People page.)

You may wish to Unseat a user so that another user can take their place and access the Product training, thus rotating your team through the Product training without having to delete users or purchase additional Seats. (Note that each time you Unseat a user, there is a charge of $5-10.) You can re-seat users later if you wish to.

We developed this feature to suit the needs of Administrators who may wish to give up their Seat to other members who need access to the Product content. As well, this feature allows dealerships with fewer staff to rotate their teams through the training throughout the year. For dealerships who have a higher number of staff that need to get up-to-speed right away, we recommend purchasing additional Seats for the sake of expediency. 

The Account Representative can purchase additional Seats or Unseat users from the Account tab; see the screenshots below. Administrators and Managers can seat users in a Product via the People tab, but do not have authorization to Unseat or purchase additional Seats.

Account Representative - Account Tab/View & Adjust Seats

Account Representative - Account Tab/View & Adjust Seats/Seats Panel