You can enroll your team members in courses individually or as a group from the People tab. 

To enroll a person individually:

  1. Click on the person's name from the People tab and this will open the details panel on the right side of the page.
  2. From the details panel, click the "Enroll in Course(s)" link near the bottom of the tab.
  3. Determine if you want to enroll this person in the standard course selection or a custom selection and select the appropriate radial button.
  4. If you chose custom selection, the available Course Library will be revealed and you can select the Category of training and the individual courses you'd like to enroll this person into.  Click "Add" for each Course you want them to be enrolled into.  Then click "Next."
  5. If you chose the standard course selection, you will be able to review those courses after you click "Next."
  6. Click "Finish" and this person will receive an email notification that they were enrolled into these courses by you.

To enroll a group of people: 

  1.  It is not currently available to enroll a group in a custom selection of courses, only the standard course selection at this time.
  2. From the People tab, you may first want to filter your people by department or location or seat status (if necessary).
  3. To the right side of the People list, you'll see an Individual and a Group tab. Select the Group tab and select the people you want to enroll into courses.
  4. Click the "Enroll in Course(s)" link in the actions list at the bottom of the details panel.
  5. In the New Enrollment box that pops up, select the desired Product (if you have more than one) and courses.
  6. Click "Next" to see which courses each person will be enrolled into.  
  7. Click "Finish" and these people will receive an email notification that they were enrolled into these courses by you. 

    For more information, see the video Getting Started - Manager Course: People Part 1 in the Library.