We've created a quick video tutorial showing you how: 

As well, below are written instructions with screenshots if you prefer: 

**Note: Courses that have not been started by a user will not have a due date, and therefore cannot be extended.  If you wish to unenroll a user from a course, please refer to our support article here.**

As an Administrative user, Manager, or Product Owner, you can extend the course enrollment periods of your staff by navigating to your People tab. 

  1. Select the individual whose course you would like to extend to populate their details in the Individual details panel to the right of the screen. 
  2. Scroll down to the course you would like to extend and select the title. 
  3. When "manage course" appears below the title, select it. 
  4. A box will appear in which you can choose to extend the individual's course by 30 days.