Note: Only a Manager, Administrator or Product Owner of an Account can unlock failed exams.
If you are a Staff person, you will need to request this be done by a Manager or Administrator on your Account. You can see a list of these users on your Profile tab.
If you are a Manager, Administrator or Product Owner, you can unlock a failed exam from the course action panel on the People tab.
- From the People tab, select the user who has failed the exam. Their information will populate in the Individual course action panel to the right of your screen.
- At the lower portion of this panel, you will select Current Enrollments to expand a list of courses in which the user is currently enrolled.
- Scroll to the failed course and select it.
- The course will expand; select Manage Course and a list of options will pop up, including Unlock Final Exam.
- Select this link to reset the exam so the user can retake it.